Here come the troops


Posted by Kevin Baranello in Traveling 17 Jan 2015

Hostel Fever

If you didn’t know, hostel life is where it’s at. Travelers alike can agree on this one thing…

Room2Board at nightBefore I get too far ahead of myself, I’d like to disclaim that not all hostels are where it’s at, some are gnarly and gross. Aside from that, how can you go wrong with young people, lively atmosphere, good vibes, new friends, parties, adventures, and travel ALL mixed into one unforgettable setting. The word hostel is practically synonymous with travel, which is the best thing anyone can do, and people are starting to catch on…

To put it simply, hostel life is different. People here aren’t interested (although might be appreciative of) fine dining, $7 dollar beers, or being escorted around by drivers and tour guides. We’ll be the ones taking the public buses and out to see things for ourselves, or to escape off the beaten track, to go places that most people never will, to have new experiences every day, and to never let a moment slip away. We will be appreciative of the little taken for granted 10407017_10203486857235251_4597149444853037294_nbeauties that we usually look over day to day. We will be completely unfocused on the clothes and electronics and other contents in our backpacks, and will be more concentrated on where each days uncertainty might lead us. There are certainly no dull moments in the hostel life. So forget about hotels and all inclusive resorts where you pay for overpriced rooms where they try to keep you within their corridors watching flat screen TV’s spending all of your money on room service; and join in on the hostel fever that’s going around; the greatest epidemic the world has ever seen. You’ll meet friends in your shared room and spend your days outside adventuring in the jungle or on the beach. Maybe tie up a hammock between 2 palm trees, drink out of a coconut, hike with someone you’ve never met, and enjoy infinite sunsets. Then once the sun is down share some alcoholic drinks with like minded travelers and interesting people from across the globe. Anyone can grow accustom to this lifestyle, so it’s worth giving a shot.

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